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GitHub Actions

Lecture equivalentDuration
32h 15min

At the end of this task, students

  • can write and run Unit Tests
  • can run Unit Tests / GitHub Actions on Pull Requests
  • have configured their repository to always require checks to pass

Read about pull requests

Pull Requests are the ๐Ÿซ€ of GitHub or even Git. Only when using them, you can achieve proper Continuous Integration.

Today we write Unit Tests as checks. But actually, as you can read in GitHub Actions, everything is possible ๐Ÿช„.


Before taking any step further, finish the bite.

After the bite, you can run unit tests and run them on Pull Requests.

Extend spring-starer

Before we can test unit code in spring-starter, we actually need something to test.


Create this class.

public class Employee {
private Integer age;

public Employee(Integer age) {
this.age = age;

public boolean isOfAge(Integer age) {
return this.age > age;

Unit Test


As in the bite, write a Unit Test testing the isOfAge() method in various cases.

You might need to install some dependencies (JUnit and Jupiter). Check the bite or use your engineering google skills.


Employees are of age, if they are older or the same age as the required minimum age.


Verify, that both your tests and the implementation reflect this specification.

Test more cases


Test three cases:

  • too young
  • same age
  • old enough

Write one unit test for each of them.

Run the tests locally


Run the tasks locally, the result should be 4 passing tests (3 from you, one from Spring).

โฏ ./gradlew test

> Task :compileJava
Note: /Users/i511895/SAPDevelop/abb/spring-starter/src/main/java/ch/abbts/nds/swe/swdt/starter/ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.

> Task :test
2021-05-11 21:04:04.515 INFO 53693 --- [extShutdownHook] o.s.s.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor : Shutting down ExecutorService 'applicationTaskExecutor'

4 actionable tasks: 3 executed, 1 up-to-date

With this step we have a minimal set of unit tests we can now run on GitHub Actions.

Create workflow


As in the bite, create a workflow file that runs the newly written Unit Tests on Pull Request.

Make one adoption though.

Limit branches

- main

Only run the workflow, when a Pull Request is made against the main branch. You can learn more about that syntax here.



Push these changes, but on a branch! Like that, you can directly test your new action!

If the tests pass, merge. If they do not pass, you learn an important lesson. Fix them! before you merge, remember Continuous Integration.

Require Unit Tests


Setup a branch protection for your main branch like so.

Require, that your newly created unit test must pass for any merge (see point 7 there specifically)!

Note: It might take some time until your workflow shows up there as the Actions are indexed asynchronically. Give it 24h in the worst case.


From now on, no code change that you will do, can be merged if your unit tests fail. This makes your main always ๐ŸŸฉ and you have a simple setup of Continuous Integration.


Here. Note that you should also apply the fix in order for this sample to run successfully.