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This task is complementary to the lectures and lists tasks and information for the in-lesson tasks.

You can read more about the C4 Model in its technique article.


Take your Jinder component diagram (result of Jinder#component-diagram) and convert it to a layered and/or hexagonal architecture.

๐Ÿ”‘ points

  • Containers (C4 containers) require always an abstraction
    • by an API, Adapter or Facade
  • Retrieving data in any form requires an abstraction
    • maybe a repository
  • Generally we want to depend inwards
    • the inner layers (whatever they are named) use interfaces (APIs) - how the outer layer does something is irrelevant to them

Note that hexagonal architecture is an architecture principle not a defined standard. Outgoing actions can have different names like adapters, ports, data sources or similar. In the same way incoming connections can be transport layers, ports, controllers or adapters. In the end the circular layers (well, hexagonal) and the common understanding matter.