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Why do you write all English?

The engineering world works in English. Writing about software engineering in Deutsch feels unnatural and it does not go together too well. Engineers need a unified language which defaults to English. Each of you will one day or does work in an international company with engineers from around the globe - the only thing you will have in common is English and your understanding of engineering!

Why are Design and Testing together?

At the end of the semester you will definitely know. For now just read the DevOps theory.

Why is there no book or manuscript?

  • These pages are the manuscript.
  • There are hundreds of books you can read, but there is no simple "Software Design" book. Also, there are only few books that offer knowledge transferrable over time. Most documentation written for software is online for one simple reason: Keeping a printed book up to date is impossible. This is why we generate docs from code and link to the matching documentation!
  • We would use 5 pages of each book and thus would spend 300$ on things we overlook 97%, especially because all these info are online for free ๐ŸŒ

To not let you completely hang on the books side, I collect and maintain a list of books you can skim and order any of them on your behalf.

Why don't you write documentation for tools?

For the same reason that we do not buy random books. Outdated At Creation! Even during the time I spent writing and you spend reading the vendors have shipped at least a dozen new documentations to their respective docs sites.

Why do you reference Medium or StackOverflow articles at a school?

Because I can not better describe things than these authors do. Also we strive to not repeat everything seven times. Medium or other pages are not per se unprofessional, in my daily work I read a lot of medium articles because there people share how they live things and not how it should work in theory. As online resources (including this one) are certainly more opinionated than a 300 page book one needs to consume them with care and a healthy portion of distrust. None the less these are valid sources and occasionally way more practical than most books.

Also, remember ๐Ÿ˜‡:


Another question?

When something is unclear or you need help of any kind that is not described in here, open an issue letting me know what you desire or start a discussion. In case issue tells you nothing, here is also help for that ๐Ÿ˜Š